Remote Appraisal Review Specialist
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Delfred H. Rodgers
12353 Challendon Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91739
To: Naukri Mitra
Re: Remote Appraisal Review Specialist
I am writing this letter of interest for the above position. My diverse work experiences have equipped me for various opportunities to be an asset to your company. My educational experience, practical work, and management experience have enhanced my focus to recognize priorities and lead any group of staff members and managers.
I believe that I can professionally understand the culture of Naukri Mitra. Living in the state of California and working in the finance profession since 1983 has allowed me to work in many economic transitions of various communities as a professional Real Estate Appraiser. My last corporate employment began as a National Quality Control Appraiser Reviewer, ending as SME (Special Matter Expert) in Appraisal Quality Control for the state of Alaska, Central and Southern California. Since leaving Fannie Mae, I have added to the SRA designation of the Appraisal Institute the AI-RRS (Appraisal Institute – Residential Review Specialist).
I appreciate your accepting my diverse qualifications as a viable candidate for the above position. I look forward to the opportunity of discussing the Remote Reaview Appraisal Specialist opportunity with Naukri Mitra.
Delfred Rodgers