Looking for part time work as Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor


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Candidate Information

Full Name
Steven B Martell
Master's Degree Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
29 years
Job Type

Contact Details

409 Lafayette Road
United States

About candidate

About you
I am a professional Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with an active CRC. My career spans almost 30 years, 26 with the United States government. Also, I am an author of the book Steering Blind, an autobiography about working despite have a devastating disability.
What are you looking for in a new role?
A role in which I can help people with a disability reach vocational goals.
What you are interested in working with us?
Interested in remote work that could benefit from my education and experience.
What has been most challenging experience in a past role?
Hiring qualified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors who have a CRC. Also, helping US Veterans who want to work but are coded as "unemployable".

Cover latter

Dear Ms. Mitra:

Thank you for accepting my submission for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. After reviewing your job description, I can boldly say I have duplicate knowledge and experience for every work duty you require.

I have 26 years’ experience as Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with the Veteran’s Administration and over 3 years with Consolidated Industries.  I possess unique placement skills to help people with disabilities display their talents, as well as administering applicable hiring regulations, and target peoples resume to a particular job.  Additionally, I am actively involved in the community with job development, teaching and instructing about special hiring authorities, informing managers about tax incentives and utilizing training programs.  In sum, I offer you comprehensive knowledge that helps individuals choose, get and keep employment, while reaching out to community agencies to support hiring people who are disabled.

In 1994, I graduated from Syracuse University with a dual Master’s of Science degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Counselor Education.  Additionally, I am certified by Cornel University from the School of Industrial Relations, with a heavy slant towards Social Security work incentive programs.  Thus, my education and experience, as well as my robust personality and pleasant nature, creates a firm foundation for a mutually rewarding and satisfying work experience.

Again, thank you for accepting my USA Jobs submission for the position of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.  Feel free to contact me at 315-317-3504, 315-425-4400 x51010 or email me at smarttop2@gmail.com, should you care to discuss this career opportunity with me.



Steven B. Martell, MS, CRC

Voc. Rehab. Coun.