Looking for part time work as Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
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Dear Ms. Mitra:
Thank you for accepting my submission for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. After reviewing your job description, I can boldly say I have duplicate knowledge and experience for every work duty you require.
I have 26 years’ experience as Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with the Veteran’s Administration and over 3 years with Consolidated Industries. I possess unique placement skills to help people with disabilities display their talents, as well as administering applicable hiring regulations, and target peoples resume to a particular job. Additionally, I am actively involved in the community with job development, teaching and instructing about special hiring authorities, informing managers about tax incentives and utilizing training programs. In sum, I offer you comprehensive knowledge that helps individuals choose, get and keep employment, while reaching out to community agencies to support hiring people who are disabled.
In 1994, I graduated from Syracuse University with a dual Master’s of Science degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Counselor Education. Additionally, I am certified by Cornel University from the School of Industrial Relations, with a heavy slant towards Social Security work incentive programs. Thus, my education and experience, as well as my robust personality and pleasant nature, creates a firm foundation for a mutually rewarding and satisfying work experience.
Again, thank you for accepting my USA Jobs submission for the position of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. Feel free to contact me at 315-317-3504, 315-425-4400 x51010 or email me at smarttop2@gmail.com, should you care to discuss this career opportunity with me.
Steven B. Martell, MS, CRC
Voc. Rehab. Coun.